Thursday, May 17, 2012


Celebration is one of the best parts of being part of Christs family. We may face all kinds of trials but we always have Christ our God to back us up and remind us of His greater plan. I love how the reading referenced  sacrificing ones self to Christ, which both gives birth to Christ in us as well as gives us complete rebirth through that. The ideas of celebration and sacrificing aren't usually paired together because I know at least for me sacrifice for anything can often be a moment of "do I really have to?" But this attitude makes the entire point of us Christians pouring out love mute. As followers we should strive to sacrifice all that we have to Him and others and while we do it, why not be celebrating too? By having a celebration mindset I think that we can all live every awesome or poopy part of our day in joy because we're here on earth to celebrate the super amazing awesomeness that is Christ in heaven!!!
Now with the scriptural references I saw a few main themes: Christ is awesome and he has risen that we may have life also, we need only have faith in him, and god is there for us and has a plan. I hope you heard on the news, but CHRIST ROSE! How awesome? When it comes to celebrating it doesn't get much better than that. We have a God who came here to teach us, got crucified, and then rose again and taught us some more. This is a constant reminder of how great and awesome our god is. What does he want? He wants us to have faith in who he is, what he's done, and what he has in store for us. Have faith and love, that's one of gods main concerns when it comes to us. How great is that! Lastly, he's got our back. He's watchin out and helping us along the way, as we come through trials we can celebrate with all our hearts that the god who loves us is carrying us as we go through life here.
alex butruce

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