Monday, May 21, 2012

Got some catching up to do....


to serve or be a servant? 
before reading this devotional i never realized there was such a difference between the two. Richard Foster worded it well when he described the difference and it kinda opened my eyes to the real meaning behind the words and its gnarly. i find myself so often just serving others and choosing who to serve and when to. but Christ doesn't call us to just serve but to follow his example and he's is the ultimate servant.  he voluntarily chose to be taken advantage of, to surrender the right the decide who he wants to serve, to be available and to be vulnerable, that so crazy! and now its our choice to serve other or to deny ourselves pick up our crosses and follow him. 


this past week hasn't been entirely rough but it hasn't been the easiest either and this devotional really spoke to me and reminded me to celebrate the relationship Christ has given me to grow deeper with him and when i give it all to him i have nothing to worry about. Also how rad it is that celebration is such an awesome part of being a Christ follower. knowing that with Christ we can celebrate in our trials and know that with him we are kept from temptation as we continue to give God our all and lay at the cross and turn to him.  like it said it the devotional "lets party" cause we have eternity with him as we celebrate what the true meaning of the cross is and was an awesome promise it is. 


"the creator's hand is the creature's home"
we are creature's! so insane!
this devotional hit home for me. lately I've been struggling with where God wants me and I've been seeking his guidance but not fully getting a clear answer and after reading this devotional i can see why. "God must have his whole heart as well as his whole mind" I've been trying to give God my all; all my struggles, all my doubts, all my worries and so much more but i haven't been giving him my whole mind. i know God is calling me to leave school and follow him but i have such a great future planned in my mind, go to school, transfer to a bible college, get my degree and start a career but Christ doesn't want me to find my identity in school but in him. like the devotional said " man belies his own position as a creature when he swerves from his sole true end" and thats what I'm doing I'm not looking at Gods end but my own and in denying Gods call on my heart because i want to go to school but when i put my fate in Gods hands and listen to him i know he's calling me out of school and towards him and to discover him and to do an outreach to share his love. so it all comes down for me to remember that I'm a creature and Christ is my creator and to seek and follow his guidance because God is our end and he has the best plan for us. all we have to do is listen and follow.

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